Thinking Of You Week in the Classroom
Thinking of You Week is an event which promotes actively thinking of others, expressing our caring natures and spreading positivity. The aim of the week is to create a wave of love, caring and happiness by making or choosing cards and writing positive messages to different people.
A handwritten card has been shown to have far greater emotional impact than any form of e-communication. As cards are displayed in the home, they also provide a lasting reminder of the sender and of the positive message written inside, reinforcing a state of well-being.
Writing a card actively promotes empathy, helps with emotional communication and conveys the value of doing something special for others, as well as being a fun way to practice handwriting!
Ideas and inspiration for school activities
Don’t Forget our Toolkit!
Our Thinking Of You Week Toolkit contains a beautiful new banner, flyer and event poster, new retailer and consumer handouts, as well as social media cover images and email sign offs. Use these to help publicise your Thinking of You Week initiative!