Thinking of You Week is very excited to be teaming up with Royal Mail’s education department, to give free packs of greeting cards to schools!
Barry Wiles of the education department said, “We’ve given this a full page of coverage in our Teacher’s Post magazine – as this is such a special event! We’re delighted to help inspire children to write and send cards and help create the wave happiness.”
Sending cards is a great way for children to practice handwriting, activate feelings of empathy, learn to express their caring feelings and generate positive feelings and wellbeing in the recipients.
Children can send the cards to each other or to family and friends. Or your class could team up with a home for the elderly or the children’s ward of your local hospital to send cards to people who would really appreciate the positive boost.

Science has shown that receiving a handwritten card is far more personal, creates a lasting positive boost and makes people feel far more special than receiving texts, emails or social media messages.
GCA members have donated lots of cards, so card sending activities can take place at any time as the education team can supply cards all year round.
Each pack contains 30 greetings cards. To order your pack just call Royal Mail Education on 01795 426465, or you can email your request, with your name, school and the school’s address to royalmail@edist.co.uk.